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Breast Care

Breast Care services are provided by the University Hospitals of Leicester in the purpose-built breast care centre at Glenfield Hospital

Our team of specialistshelp women through diagnosis, treatment and surgery following a diagnosis of cancer. 

Breast care centre entrance
Breast care centre entrance

Our specialist breast surgeons work closely with our plastic surgery team to ensure all our patients are offered a full range of modern surgical techniques - both for breast conserving surgery and for breast reconstruction following mastectomy.

Monthly activity varies widely but in an average month (figures based on 2016/17), 796 new out-patients are referred to the Breast Care Centre. The average waiting time for a first appointment is 11 days. We carry out a further 882 follow-up consultations (either in person or by telephone) and carry out 125 out-patient procedures (such as diagnostic biopsies). We admit 60 patients to the hospital each month as day cases and 48 as in-patients (staying overnight). There are a smaller number of emergency admissions – such as breast abscesses - and our 30 day re-admission rate (any specialty) is 2.6%. The overall average length of stay is 1.4 days. Over the three months to June 2017 we carried out an average of 118 operations each month, the majority of which were for breast cancer.

The Care Quality Commission'smost recent inspection of Glenfield Hospital was in January 2017 and surgery was rated as good. Their report is available here.

We have been chosen as a pilot site for an exciting new technology, Magseed. Click here for more information.

Click on the links on the left for information about the Breast Care Centre and the NHS breast screening programme. 

More information: 

Our cancer services - more about our services

Our plastic surgery - brief details of our breast reconstruction service

Breast Care Nurses' contact number: 0116 250 2513