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Childhood cancers

This section of our website has information about childhood cancers, and where to find  support for chldren with cancer and their families. 

Please go to the information for teenagers and young adults pages if you are looking for information and support for this older age group.      

Children’s cancers are rare, and they can be quite different from cancers affecting adults.  They tend to occur in different parts of the body to adult cancers. They also look different under the microscope and respond differently to treatment.

Click on the following links for a range of information about children's cancers:

Children’s cancers

Children’s radiotherapy

Children’s chemotherapy

Information for younger children

Information for older children

Information for family members and teachers

Support organisations


For further information about tests, investigations and treatments, you may find the information on the specific cancer pages useful.

Further information in languages other than English

To find out if there is any other information about cancer, cancer treatments and living with cancer available in your preferred language, please click on the heading above, or contact the Cancer Information Centre

This page last reviewed:08/07/2024