This page contains information about laryngeal cancer. This is also known as cancer of the larynx or cancer of the voicebox.
University Hospitals of Leicester (UHL) information
Nurse specialists, specialist speech and language therapists and specialist dietitians will be involved in the care of patients with laryngeal cancer.
You may find the following booklet useful:
The Head and Neck Cancer Nurse Specialist Service
The UHL Restorative Dental Team produces the following booklet that you may find helpful:
Dental care and treatment for patients with head and neck cancer
More information
Click on the coloured text links below for general information which you may find helpful:
Tests and investigations
Click on the above link to see if there is any online UHL information on the tests and investigations you may require. Use the search box to find out.
Chemotherapy and other drug therapies
UHL and other information about chemotherapy, hormone therapy, biological therapy (including immunotherapy) and other drug therapies. Please note that not all therapies are suitable for all types of cancer.
UHL and other information about radiotherapy treatment. Please note that radiotherapy is not suitable for all types of cancer.
Eating, appetite or taste
Local and other information that you may find useful if you have eating problems as a result of your cancer or its treatment.
Support groups
For details of cancer support groups in the local area please click on the heading above.
Further information
If you would like more information, including details of how to contact a nurse specialist, please contact the Cancer Information Centre. Alternatively, click on the heading above for details of other organisations that may be able to help you.
Information in languages other than English
To find out if there is any information about cancer, cancer treatments and living with cancer available in your preferred language, please click on the heading above, or contact the Cancer Information Centre.
This page last reviewed 04/07/24