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Outpatient clinics are held in the Children’s Outpatient Department, Level 1 Windsor building and the Child Development Centre on level 0 of the Windsor building at the Leicester Royal Infirmary. Each child will be allocated a clinic to attend which you will be informed of. These are every month for babies and every two months for older children. You should expect to see most of the CF team during your clinic appointment and swabs will be completed at every visit. 

Infection Control:

The CF team takes this risk very seriously. This is why children stay in one room where different team members come to see them in clinic. In addition, children known to have particular bugs attend clinics at different times. All professionals wear aprons and gloves to see all of the child with CF that attend clinic and during an inpatient admission.

To help us minimise the risks of cross-infection, please:

  • Bring some toys, books or electronics to keep your child occupied during clinic visits. However, we usually provide some toys or drawing materials in each room. These are replaced or thoroughly cleaned between patients.
  • Use hand gel when entering and leaving the clinic area.
  • Arrive on time, but not too early. If the room is not ready when you arrive, we may ask you to 'go for a coffee’ and return later.
  • Once reception staff have told you the clinic room number, please go straight there.
  • Use hand gel when entering and leaving your clinic room.
  • Stay in your clinic room except when instructed by staff, or when leaving.
  • Leave promptly when your consultations are finished.