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Inpatient Stays

At Glenfield Hospital, we have a dedicated Adult Cystic Fibrosis ward.​ Here is some key information about Ward 16:

  • We have 5 rooms that are en-suite
  • You will have access to the Wi-Fi and  are welcome to bring electronic devices to access the internet
  • You will need to bring your clothes, toiletries and all medications
  • You will be provided with a restaurant pass to use in any of the LEaT shops or restaurant, and there is a fruit and veg stall outside the main reception that you can visit. There will also be regular meals offered on the ward. If you have any specific dietary needs, you can discuss this with your Dietitian and we will accommodate as best we can.  ​
  • The ward has gym, and you may have visits from the Physiotherapists during your stay
  • The Consultant will visit most days, along with the CF Registrar. The nurses may also visit
  • Family or friends are allowed to stay overnight if given permission. This must be discussed with the CF Nurses, who will arrange with the Nurse in Charge of the ward
  • If you are leaving the ward, it is essential to inform your designated nurse for safety reasons.​
  • You are encouraged not to have contact with other CF patients as it can spread infections that may be very harmful.
  • You may be asked to wear a wrist band for identification purposes. If you do not wish to, you may leave this on your bedframe. 

You can find accessibility information for Ward 16 Here.