Melanie Baker (Senior Specialist Dietitian)
Melanie has over 15 years experience working as a Dietitian with adult patients needing Parenteral Nutrition or other support, due to Intestinal failure. Her undergraduate training was completed at Surrey University in 1996 and she was awarded an MSc in Health Service Research in 2005.
Currently she is working part time clinically whilst completing a PhD with the University of Manchester. Previously she combined her clinical post with part time research and her publication interests include enteral feeding following surgery, management of patients with high output stomas and Parenteral Nutrition.
She has co-authored three book chapters and wrote the Parenteral Nutrition chapter in the PENG pocket guide which is used by many practicing Dietitians and health care professionals working in Nutritional Support.
Melanie is a tutor on the PENG (Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition Group of the British Dietetic Association) Clinical Update Course for Dietitians and was an expert advisor for the NCEPOD review of adult Parenteral Nutrition Services. She has been the regional BAPEN representative for a number of years and supports training and education, delivering sessions on a number of post-graduate regional and national courses. Since 2015 she has also been a representative on the National HPN Framework Stakeholders Group and is a supplementary prescriber.
Becky Muggridge (Senior Specialist Dietitian)
Becky completed her undergraduate training in Nutrition and Dietetics at King's College London in 2009, and prior to joining the team in Leicester she managed a complex cohort of Intestinal Failure patients at The Royal London Hospital where she developed her skills and knowledge alongside the nutrition team.
Becky has a large amount of experience managing patients on parenteral nutrition in hospital and at home due to a wide range of clinical conditions including inflammatory bowel disease, severe trauma and motility disorders.
Her post-graduate training has included the St Marks Intestinal Failure course and completion of the Parenteral and Enteral Clinical Update course for Dietitians as well as helping to develop local policies and resources for patients requiring parenteral nutrition. She is looking forward to contributing to the further development of services in Leicester, has completed her non-medical prescribers course and is a local researcher for a NIHR Quality of Life Study in HPN.
Sarah Crawford (Senior Dietitian)
Sarah studied undergraduate Human Biology at the University of Birmingham before completing a postgraduate in Nutrition and Dietetics and has worked as a Dietitian at the University Hospitals of Leicester since she qualified in 2015.
Sarah initially worked in general medicine, gastroenterology, hepatobiliary, trauma and cardiology before working as a senior Dietitian on the Intensive Care Unit. Next, she moved into a specialist role developing the upper gastrointestinal surgery dietetic service whilst managing the dietetic needs of upper and lower gastrointestinal surgical patients.
Sarah therefore has a large amount of experience that she can apply to our patients with intestinal failure, particularly those having surgery. Sarah is looking forward to studying to become a non-medical prescriber and attending study days in parenteral nutrition. Sarah enjoys how clinically complex our patients can be but above else loves to talk to and support them.
Angela Holohan (Senior Nutrition Specialist Nurse)
Angela has a varied nursing background including intensive care and ECMO, extensive roles within renal nursing and developed an interest in vascular access during these roles. Before joining LIFT in January 2020, Angela worked on a GI surgical ward at the LRI where she further developed her interest in nutrition. Angela brings experience of managing patients with long term chronic health conditions as well as recent practice for acute patients needing short term nutritional support either via the enteral or parenteral route.
Angela is keen to promote shared and self care having seen the benefits for patients she has nursed in other specialities.
Outside of work Angela enjoys rowing competitively at masters level and can often be seen rowing up and down the River Soar close to Leicester Royal Infirmary.