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Support for Adults with Intellectual Difficulties

It has been estimated that as many as 40-45% of people with intellectual disability have a hearing loss (Neumann 2006). Although testing and management of hearing loss for some individuals with intellectual disabilities can be challenging it is still possible and the outcomes can be life changing.  

This service is for any adult with an intellectual disability or that have acquired their cognitive needs after childhood, including those that have had a traumatic head injury or have advanced dementia 

Within this service we modify our testing in order to acquire the most accurate and precise hearing levels possible. The adult specialist clinic is committed to providing a comprehensive advisory, teaching and audiological support service for adults with learning difficulties and a hearing loss.  This is to enable them to have the same rights and opportunities as their hearing peers and to ensure they can achieve their full potential.


Neumann K et al (2006) Auditory status of persons with intellectual disability at the german special Olympics. Int J Audiol. 45(2):83-90