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Education and Hearing Support (TOD service)

The hearing support team is a point of contact for both parents, school and hearing services. All children that have a hearing aid fitted will be offered a referral to the hearing support services and will be allocated a 'Teacher of the Deaf' although the level of care and support provided will be based on the child's education needs and decided on by the hearing support services. 

Leicester City Team:

New Parks House, Pindar Road, Leicester, LE3 9RN

Paula Holloway (Head of Service):0116 454 4650

Leicester County Team:

Room 600, County Hall, Glenfield, LE3 8RA 

Kate Wells (Head of Service): 0116 305 9400


The below is a PDF and video guide created by the county hearing support team on how to open and close the tamperproof battery drawer for the Phonak ROGER 18 (02) integrated receiver on a Phonak SKY V70 hearing aid if your child has one. Not all children will have an integrated receiver and therefore the following may not apply.