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Infectious Diseases

Around 1,000 patients a year are admitted to our purpose-built infection unit at Leicester Royal Infirmary. This 18 bed facility acts as a regional centre for complex infections. Medical staff include Dr David Bell, Dr Manish Pareek, Dr Amandip Sahota, Dr Iain Stephenson, Dr Helena White and Professor Martin Wiselka as consultants. 

The unit contains 10 negative pressure isolation cubicles with two higher security negative pressure cubicles for the treatment of infections such as multi-drug resistant tuberculosis. Doctors (GPs) can admit patients directly to the unit. Staff in the unit treat a range of patients including returning travellers from overseas, those with immuno-compromised conditions, tuberculosis, and community acquired infections. The outpatient services manage tuberculosis, adult HIV care, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C virus infections- leading the Leicester Hep C Delivery network, and OPAT (home IV antibiotic programmes).  

University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust has an active national and international research programme with grant funding in excess of £1 million over the last few years. 

More information:

Understanding Infections - contact numbers for our Infections Control teams and information about a range of common hospital infections

Links to useful websites:

Department of Health advice for travellers - how to get medical treatment abroad

Infections and Infectious Diseases - links to information and support

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