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Why might I see an occupational therapist?

Occupational therapists treat patients with a variety of medical conditions. You may receive treatment as an in-patient, or be seen as an out-patient, if a consultant or your doctor (GP) think that you would benefit from seeing us.

Functional activities

Functional activities form part of every day life such as family member, home-maker employee or when you are taking part in leisure activities. Occupational therapists carry out assessments and rehabilitation that focus on functional activities such as:

  • Washing and dressing

  • Transfers on/off furniture (e.g toilet, chair and bed)

  • Kitchen activities (e.g. hot drink preparation)

  • Feeding assessments (use of different styles of cutlery)

  • Mobility while carrying out functional activities

Therapeutic activities

Therapeutic activities can help you to improve your functional activities. Occupational therapists use therapeutic activities such as puzzles, games and group activities to help with the following:

  • Movement

  • Co-ordination 

  • Strength 

  • Sensation

  • Writing skills

  • Fine finger movements

  • Cognition

  • Perception

Wheelchair assessment

Your occupational therapist will, if necessary, assess you for a wheelchair, specialist seating and pressure relief cushions. 



As a result of your medical condition or injury you may require splinting in order to maintain use and/or good position of your limb. Your occupational therapist will construct and monitor the appropriate splint.



An occupational therapist may assess you for equipment to help you to be safe at home and to help you to be independent in some or all functional activities.