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Self-management Programme of Activity Coping and Education (SPACE)

Rehabilitation 'SPACE' manual

The SPACE for COPD manual is a standardised self management manual for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). 

It was developed by healthcare professionals and individuals with COPD and it has been approved by the Plain English Campaign.

The manual is interactive, and is administered by an individual with an in depth knowledge of COPD, exercise and motivational interviewing. We have developed a course to allow other healthcare professionals to deliver the manual (Regional Innovation Fund Award).

The manual is divided into four sections and covers topics such as:

  • improving your physical activity,

  • managing breathlessness,

  • anxiety management,

  • managing your medication. 

There is also an appendix containing information that may not be relevant to all individuals with COPD but is there for reference, for example oxygen and relationships.

There is also a website version of the manual for those patients that are computer literate and would prefer to do the programme on-line. As the healthcare professional you would give your patients access and they would then be guided through stages that include exercise, goal setting and education topics. You would monitor them and their progress 'remotely' via the admin part of the site. Patients can only access this programme if their local Pulmonary Rehabilitation team are using the website as part of their clinical service.

SPACEforCOPD website screen shot

If you are interested in finding out more about the SPACE for COPD manual or website, please email us or click on the links below to download a pdf.

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