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Transplant Laboratory (Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics)

The Transplant Laboratory is located at the Leicester General Hospital (LGH). The Laboratory provides a range of histocompatibility and immunogenetics (H&I) services to support renal transplantation at the Leicester Transplant Unit.

Laboratory services in support of renal transplantation include HLA typing, cross-matching, and HLA antibody identification.  A 24 hour, 365 day service is provided for deceased donor HLA typing and cross-matching.  We also administer the local immunosuppressive drug monitoring service, utilising remote referral Laboratories

We provide liaison between clinical staff and NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) to register and maintain patients on the national kidney transplant list. Please see the public website at https://www.organdonation.nhs.uk/

In addition to transplant services the Laboratory performs a range of specialist genotyping services for disease and drug hypersensitivity associations.

Please download the User Manual from the link below for further details, including sample requirements and departmental opening hours.  Please feel free contact the Laboratory directly to discuss any aspect of our service.

Transplant Laboratory
Leicester General Hospital (LGH), UHL NHS Trust
Gwendolen Road
Leicester, LE5 4PW

Tel: 0116 2584603


Out-of-hours contact UHL switchboard on 0300 303 1573 and ask for Transplant Laboratory on-call.

Laboratory Director: Clare Collins, clare.collins1@uhl-tr.nhs.uk

Deputy Head of Laboratory: Stephen Weston, stephen.weston@uhl-tr.nhs.uk

A UKAS accredited medical laboratory No. 8100. Accredited by the European Federation for Immunogenetics (EFI no. 03-GB-010.990).