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Publicising your research

Professor Brightling shares his group's research with ITV Central
Professor Brightling shares his group's research with ITV Central

You’ve finished your research and your findings are about to be published – congratulations!

Promoting your research to a general audience is a vital part of your research. It demonstrates how your work has the potential to impact on people’s lives and therefore why it is important.

Using the media and other platforms, such as websites, social media, and public engagement channels, can raise your profile and provide access to funding bodies and other collaborators.

Our research communications team should be the first point of contact for discussions around publicising your work. They can provide access to a wide range of channels including:

  • Online, print and broadcast media – including national and international press and trade publications
  • Internal – our staff are also members of the public, and senior staff are key influencers and cheerleaders for research. We can reach these audiences through staff newsletters, intranet and through research cafes and briefings
  • Websites – Leicester’s Hospitals, University of Leicester and Loughborough University, as well as the websites of funding partners and collaborators
  • Public engagement channels – these can be public health events, lectures and talks
  • Social media channels – these include LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook 
  • The Conversation – an independent, not-for-profit media outlet that uses content sourced from the academic and research community

If you have research findings to publicise, please complete and return the form below to researchcomm@uhl-tr.nhs.uk. Your completed form will be shared with press offices at other organisations involved in your study.


Key communications contacts:

  • NIHR ARC East Midlands: Kiran Johal / kb355@le.ac.uk / 01162588689