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Patient research ambassadors/ research champions

A patient research ambassador (PRA) or Research Champion is someone who promotes health research from a patient point of view. They could be a patient, service user, carer or lay person who is enthusiastic about health research and is willing to communicate that to other patients, the public, as well as other healthcare professionals.

Being a PRA can be a rewarding experience, especially if you have already been involved in a clinical trial yourself.

At Leicester’s Hospitals we would like to develop a flexible approach to PRAs because each person we come into contact with has unique skills and experiences that can be shared in different ways.

Here are some of the ways you might like to be a PRA:

Public involvement members singing in the 'Breathe Easy' choir
Public involvement members singing in the 'Breathe Easy' choir
You can find out about the NIHR’s national patient research ambassador programme (now called Research Champions) here: https://www.nihr.ac.uk/patients-carers-and-the-public/i-want-to-help-with-research/research-champions.htm