Accessible Communication for our Patients
As part of our commitment to implementing the Accessible Information Standard, the trust provides local suppliers for British Sign Language (BSL) service provision to our patients. We listened to our deaf patients from the community who felt that a local BSL service would work better for them because the interpreters would be local people therefore familiar with their health issues and needs enabling them to have a better patient experience.
During 2018/19 the trust procured the ‘BrowseAloud’ tool which allows translation of websites and online content to audio, large print, alternative languages and enables the download of audio files for listening at a later date.
The system is live on the trust website and intranet sites with the ‘Your Health’ patient information library to follow later in 2019. By simply clicking on the ‘Browsealoud’ logo, patients, carers, visitors and staff can choose from a range of features to ensure the information they need can be delivered to them in an appropriate format.
Translation services
Leicester is a very diverse city with just over 55 percent of the population from an ethnic minority background. The Trust is committed to ensuring that information is available in community languages for patients whose first language is not English. It is vital when going to hospital that patients can access appropriate translation services if English isn’t their first language.
If you are coming to hospital as a patient and you do not have a good understanding of English, or you use sign language, please let the clinic, ward or department know in advance. This will allow us to make arrangements for appropriate interpretation services to be provided.
Acute Learning Disability Liaison Nurse Service
The Trust has a small team of Learning Disability Nurses who are here to support people with learning disabilities and their carers when accessing acute care. The team works closely with staff to ensure reasonable adjustments appropriate to the individual are made during their journey through our services. This also involves acting as a central point of contact between mainstream general hospital services and primary/ community services. If you are a patient with a Learning Disability, family member or carer who need support, you can contact the Acute Liaison Learning Disability Nurses on 0116 250 2809 or email
Multi-Faith Chaplaincy
Chaplaincy forms an integral part of the holistic care provided by Leicester's hospitals. As part of the wider hospital team Chaplains draw upon their training, experience, and understanding of faith to offer support to patients, relatives or staff members who request their help. The chaplains offer support to patients, relatives, and staff. This includes pastoral, spiritual and religious care. The team includes Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh and Non-religious chaplains. We are also supported by volunteers from various faiths and beliefs.
Each hospital has a Chapel and Prayer Room (with washing facilities). Both rooms provide a quiet place for private prayer, meditation and contemplation and are open to everyone. For some patients it is important to practice their faith while in hospital, and the chaplains are here to help.
Culturally Appropriate Menus
Our catering provider aims to ensure that all your dietary and cultural requirements are met during your stay. In your ward there will be a menu folder that holds all the necessary catering information you require. Aside from the main menu of the day, we also have a Multicultural menu (including a wide range of vegetarian options), Halal menu, African Caribbean menu, and Kosher menu. Please ask a member of the ward staff if you cannot locate the menu you require.
If you have any questions around Equality and diversity and patient care, please get in touch with us via email or telephone 0116 258 4382.