In order to comply with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, public sector organisations such as ours have to routinely publish information whenever possible.
The purpose of this scheme is to make the maximum amount of information easily available at no cost to the public. Material which is published online on our website is provided free of charge.
The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) is responsible for regulating and enforcing the access to, and use of, personal information.
UHL's publication scheme complies with the model publication scheme and definitions document issued by the Information Commissioner's Office.
View our freedom of information publication scheme
Can't find what you're looking for?
Wherever possible, we aim to make the information covered by our publication scheme available online. However, where this is not possible, for example if information is only held in a hard copy format, you can still ask for a copy of the document/s.
Publication scheme enquiries Information costs
As with Freedom of Information requests, there may be a charge for providing hard copy information. Where any charges apply, you will be informed in advance. Charges will not be applied in all cases, this will depend on the size of the document involved.
We will make a charge of 10p per extra sheet for the provision of more than 50 pages of paper, and also charge the cost of postage and packaging.
Where the overall cost is less than £5, no charge will be made. For any charges over £5 payment will be required before the information is provided.
Related links:
The Information Commissioner's Office website Public sector model publication scheme document
NHS definition document