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Dealing with major incidents

Like all NHS Trusts, Leicester’s Hospitals has a plan to help us manage major incidents and large-scale emergencies directly or indirectly involving the Trust.  This plan includes arrangements for the media.
Amubulances parked and leaving

In the event of a major incident the Communications Team will make every effort to provide up-to-date and timely information to the media.

  • We will establish a press centre in the hospital, the directions to which will be clearly marked.  This will be accessible for press conferences.

  • We will give the media regular updates on the situation.

  • Depending on the type of incident, we will decide at the time on the best vantage point for photographs and filming and provide opportunities for interviews with hospital staff.

  • We will update the homepage of our website regularly.

For further information about arrangements for journalists and the media in the event of a major incident, please contact the Communications Team:

Tel: 0116 258 8963 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) or for evenings and weekends, call switchboard on 0300 303 1573 and ask for 'Communications on call'.

Email communications@uhl-tr.nhs.uk (NB this mailbox is not monitored outside of office hours).