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Facemasks required in all clinical areas

Please wear a mask in clinical areas
Picture of a surgical facemask and the words 'please wear a mask in clinical areas' written underneath

18 December 2024

To support safe patient care and colleague wellbeing, all visitors and colleagues in clinical areas - including outpatients - are required to wear surgical masks at all times, unless they are medically exempt, or are eating or drinking. Clinical areas include wards, examination and treatment rooms, waiting rooms and all outpatients’ services.

Why we need you to wear a mask

We are treating an increasing number of patients with infectious diseases, such as flu, norovirus, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and COVID-19 in our hospitals.  

We are also seeing an increase in the level of colleague absence due to seasonal illnesses. Any increase in patient cases and reduction in colleague numbers can have a significant impact on how quickly we can provide patients with the right care, at the right time. 

What about other areas of the hospitals?

We have not yet asked for masks to be worn in non-clinical spaces, such as offices, lifts, restaurants and corridors. This is to help us provide a measured response. However, we will support any colleagues and visitors who choose to wear masks in these spaces.  We will keep the situation under regular review, responding to changes in infection rates in our communities and hospitals, and national guidance on infection prevention.