There are many ways the quality of care delivery in the wards is measured and monitored within Leicester’s Hospitals.
Each ward displays for the public various performance measures including a ‘Friends and Family Test’ and ‘You Said We Did’. These charts have been designed based on patient feedback and include Friends and Family Test scores for the ward, feedback comments and actions addressing areas that require development.
Patient Feedback is gathered in a variety of ways including; this website, electronic & paper surveys, Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS), QR codes and 'Message to Matron' cards. Feedback provides us with essential information about how patients and their family experienced provision of care which drives changes and improvements for future patients, carers, friends and family.
These charts are displayed with ‘highlights’ of where each ward is achieving high standards and how areas for improvement will be developed.
On entering wards, please ask to speak to the sister or nurse in charge whom can provide explanation and greater detail on these charts.
It is recognised that these Patient Feedback Charts are detailed. Here is an example of a ‘Friends and Family Test score’ and ‘You Said We Did’ chart which is displayed on the wards to allow explanation and examples to be provided
Please look out for the Friends and Family test score if you are visiting the wards, as an initial indicator of the satisfaction levels of patients, carers, friends and family.
The opportunity to answer this question is offered to all of our patients, and we ensure each month that at least 30% of patients discharged from our Inpatient Wards have provided a response:
Thinking about our ward...overall, how was your experience of our service?
- Very good
- Good
- Neither good nor poor
- Poor
- Very poor
- Don't know
Results of the Friends and Family Test will be presented as a percentage of people who are positive or who are not positive about the service. To calculate the percentage of patients that say they are positive includes very good and good responses and to calculate the percentage of patients who are not positive includes poor and very poor. Patients that say neither good nor poor or don’t know are not included in the percentage that are either positive or not positive.
Patients are asked to justify the answer given with additional comments and reasons and the clinical teams use these to focus their effort to improve or sustain satisfaction levels for patients in line with patient feedback.
Patient feedback is also gathered within the Emergency Department, Maternity and Outpatient services.
View the latest 'Family and Friends test' score information
See the animated NHS England Friends and Family video clip below: