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Payroll and Pensions

Payroll Pay day is the 27th each month (except December) or the previous Banking day if the 27th is a weekend or Bank Holiday. Completed authorised forms must be in the Payroll Pillar Boxes (in the Post Room at each site) by the 1st of each month. Locum shift claim forms need to be submitted by the 24th of each month. All claims including expenses and extra duty claims must be authorised and with payroll within 2 months of them being incurred. Older claims cannot be processed. Any payroll queries should be directed to ‘UHL Payroll Assistance’ on 0333 207 6562 (or #6777 if dialling from an internal UHL telephone). Please have your assignment number to hand (this can be found on your payslip).    Pensions From 1st April 2015 there are two separate pension schemes covering NHS workers. For more information please visit www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/pensions