If this is not a recent article, the information on this page may be superseded by current information. Latest information on eligibility can be found at: https://www.leicestershospitals.nhs.uk/aboutus/our-news/press-release-centre/2021/over-65-you-can-now-book-your-covid-vaccination-at-our-hospitals/
From today, people who are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccination, but have not yet been invited, can book a vaccination at one of three ‘hospitals hubs’. The appointments will help ensure everyone in the top four priority groups has the opportunity to get their vaccine by mid-February.
The following groups are eligible to receive their first dose of vaccine, if they have not already received it:
- People aged 70 years of age and over
- People who are currently ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ with a valid shielding letter (not including pregnant women and those under 16 years of age).
A definition of extremely clinically vulnerable is available here. People who are currently shielding should not contact their GP to request a shielding letter.
Eligible patients should book an appointment as soon as possible as appointments are expected to fill fast.
Proof of eligibility will need to be provided on arrival. Those aged 70+ will need to provide Photo ID. Clinically extremely vulnerable patients will need Photo ID and a valid shielding letter. Patients who are unable to provide these will not be vaccinated.
The booking process
- Click on the link of your preferred vaccination site (below)
- Enter the pin CovidVL19
- Register as a new user – To make a booking you must have an NHS number. You can find your NHS number here.
- Pick the patient option on the form and fill in your details
- Choose a date and time for your initial vaccination. (The system will automatically generate your second appointment).
- Check your inbox and junk mail for an email that confirms your booking. You will also receive a text reminder if you filled in the contact number field
A vaccine booking can be made at one of the following hospital sites by clicking on the relevant link:
Glenfield Hospital: https://www.swiftqueue.co.uk/pre_timescreen.php?id=$2y$10$HlW0kV1IHh6ounq2UtnyLOY879dx3y4ydAwT0Nd8L/mJgsmQsdOxq
Leicester General Hospital: https://www.swiftqueue.co.uk/pre_timescreen.php?id=$2y$10$MyYLuoqzBISYQgyU04tDX.BELprxQL7Dms6e9m9EPb51qOzF6Da2m
Leicester Royal Infirmary: https://www.swiftqueue.co.uk/pre_timescreen.php?id=$2y$10$mpAPkkRQVI9g77$fkl6t4OhYN777adOarr349CU.ZJ0uAfJtCOlu1
Patients are advised they will need to attend the appointment alone wherever possible, wearing a face covering and observing social distancing rules when on site. People are asked to attend the appointment on time, rather than early as this helps support social distancing on site.