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Lost property

Whilst we are caring for you we are not able to provide a general property management service.
We will not accept liability for loss and damage to your property and belongings unless they have been handed over for safe keeping and a receipt has been issued to you or your relative.
We strongly advise that you think carefully about what property you bring into hospital.
Valuable property which we are holding on your behalf will not be kept on the ward and will not be immediately accessible. It would be advisable if your property is clearly labelled with your name. It is best to use an indelible marker pen or name labels.  
Please try to keep the amount of property you are bringing into hospital to a minimum as we have limited space available. We suggest that you bring no more than a small suitcase or holdall.
If any of your property is lost or misplaced while you are in hospital
Every-day items such as toiletries, slippers, clothing etc are retained on the ward for up to one month. Please contact the ward directly to find any lost property of this type.
Our Bereavement Services staff are responsible for valuable lost property within the hospitals and may be able to help you locate your lost item. Valuable lost property is stored for up to six months. Please contact Bereavement Services to find any lost property of this type.

Bereavement Services Information

If you need to claim for your lost items, please contact:

Claims and Litigation Dept,
Belgrave House
Leicester General Hospital,
Gwendolen Rd,
Leicester LE5 4PW