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Call 4 Concern©

Call 4 Concern© service is a patient safety service for adult patients in our hospitals, originally launched by Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust (2010).

While our staff work extremely hard to provide the very best of care to our patients, we also recognise that at times the patient or a close friend or loved one can see that something is wrong before we can.

Under the new 24/7 service, patients and/or their relatives in this situation can call a dedicated number if they have raised concerns with the team caring for them and don’t feel they are being addressed. This will prompt a clinical review by our Deteriorating Adults Response Team (DART) who are experts in helping patients whose health is getting worse. They give advice to nurses and doctors in the hospital and support patients and their families.

It is hoped the service will help to support at risk patients at the earliest opportunity, preventing continued clinical deterioration.

The service offers an extra layer of reassurance for our patients and their families and shows our commitment to providing safe, compassionate, and joined up care.


When to make a Call 4 Concern©

You can make a Call 4 Concern© if:

  • You are a patient and have concerns that your condition is changing or getting worse and you feel that ward staff have not addressed your concerns

  • You are a relative and have concerns about changes in a hospital patient’s clinical condition, have noticed they are getting worse and you feel that the ward staff have not addressed your concerns

Always speak with the nurse in charge or doctor responsible for the patient before making a Call 4 Concern©. Many concerns can quickly be resolved this way.

If you or your relative are under the care of maternity and obstetric services, instead of using Call 4 Concern©, please ask your midwife or the ward staff for the ‘Ask Me’ service.

How to make a Call 4 Concern©

You can call us 24/7 on: 07960 872700

When you call us, we will need to know:

• The name of the patient you are concerned about

• The ward and hospital site they are currently staying on

• A brief description of your concerns

The team may not be able to answer your call immediately, but you can leave a message with these details and your phone number and they will call you back as soon as possible.


Responding to your Call 4 Concern©

Your call will be answered by someone from the DART team. They may provide advice over the phone or after prioritising the urgency of the problem, visit the ward to discuss your concerns further and assess the situation. The DART team member will gain patient consent before speaking with the ward team and will keep you updated.

Using this service will not have a negative impact on your care/the care of your relative. We are all here to help.


What to do if you have other concerns

If you are worried about things that are not related to your health or your family member’s health, like your experience in the hospital, or issues with food or parking, you can speak with the nurse in charge of the ward or contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).

Freephone: 0808 178 8337

Email: pals@uhl-tr.nhs.uk