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Additional Safeguards

The Trust takes a number of further steps to protect children, young people and adults, including:

Training our staff:  We require all staff to complete an appropriate level of training in safeguarding as part of our mandatory training programme.  Compliance of these training requirements is regularly monitored by our Trust Board. The level of training is compliant with national guidance and standards where they exist. All staff complete safeguarding training as part of the induction programme before starting in their role and then on a regular basis thereafter.

Implementing safeguarding systems:  We have a comprehensive set of safeguarding policies and procedures which we review periodically.

Checking our staff:  We practice safe recruitment and meet the statutory requirements for carrying out DBS checks on all new staff joining our organisation..

Engagement with multi-agency partners:  Representatives from our organisation are members of the Leicester City and the Leicestershire and Rutland Local Safeguarding Children and Adults Boards and associated sub-groups. We work closely with other health and social care providers, police and other agencies regarding children and adults for whom there are safeguarding concerns.