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Are you Sepsis Aware?

Sepsis Aware - Georgina Langham

As part of Leicester’s Hospitals Quality Commitment, we teach our clinical staff about the early signs, the treatment and care required for Sepsis. As September was World Sepsis Awareness Month, we thought this was a great opportunity to highlight the symptoms to you and your families and friends. 

Every year in the UK there are 150,000 cases of Sepsis, resulting in a staggering 44,000 deaths – more than bowel, breast and prostate cancer combined

Sepsis is a life threatening condition that arises when the body’s response to an infection injures its own tissues and organs. Sepsis leads to shock, multiple organ failure and death, especially if not recognised early and treated promptly.

Sepsis is caused by the way the body responds to germs, such as common bacteria, getting into your body. We all come into contact with germs every day without making us ill but sometimes the body responds abnormally to these infections and causes sepsis.

The infection may have started anywhere in a sufferer’s body. It may be only in one part of the body or it may be widespread. Sepsis can occur following chest or water infections, problems in the abdomen like burst ulcers, or simple skin injuries like cuts and bites.

If you have a suspected infection or certain risk factors like being very young or old, diabetic, pregnant or on long-term steroids,  you would benefit by knowing what to look for.

S lurred speech

E xtreme shivering or muscle pain

P assing no urine (in a day)

S evere breathlessness

I feel like I may die

S kin mottled or discoloured

If you or a loved one are showing early signs of a ‘flu-like illness, chest infection, diarrhoe and vomiting or inability to eat and drink, together with one of the above symptoms of sepsis, we urge you to seek medical advice immediately. 

To find out more about Sepsis visit www.SepsisTrust.org